The staff at Fletcher describes the craft school :
“ Our commitment is to quality arts and crafts education, to keep alive old traditions, and to teach new techniques in a special Vermont setting, at a reasonable cost to the public.”
John (Jack) Fink says this about teaching summers at Vermont’s Fletcher Farm :
“ Teaching at Fletcher Farm is in a charming setting on the edge of Ludlow, nestled in the mountains of Vermont. The ceramic set-up is in the marvelous ambience of a rustic barn of yesteryear. The space is generous, well lit, with 15 to 20 ft high ceilings and a floor of original rough hand-hewn boards, typical of a 19th century barn. The staff at Fletcher Farm is “down-home” friendly, organized and very helpful. The students who seek out such first-rate craft experiences bring with them a life-long love of “making things.” Like most people in the crafts, they are good-natured, fun -loving individuals to be with; they are people who come from far and near to take classes in this stimulating setting and many are returning alumni from previous classes at Fletcher Farm.
So . . . feast your eyes on those good people who were in my August 2007 summer ceramics class,
“ Clay - Delightfully Down and Dirty ! ”
Meris holding her ceramic chicken. I think she would have made an entire flock, had we the time!( Look inside the opening in the chicken and
see the eggs! How creative!) Among a number
of things she’ll be remembered for is her hybrid Vermont-Texas drawl and cultural knowledge of the region. A mover and shaker in library science if there ever was one.
Joyce with her magnificent armadillo. She is a natural with her hands in clay.Just look at that pose! With this kind of effervescence, she should be in TV commercials, right? Many thanks for her driving some of us to the gallery tours and sharing her commentary on the art.
Mary keeps a grip on her delightful dragon. She surely rivals Dr. Suess in her charming, delightful style! I under-stand that she and her long time friends meet once a week to paint at one of their studios. Ask her, and Mary will extol the health benefits of clay too!
Pat’s imagination and skill seems boundless. As good with a hammer and saw as she is with the clay, I believe she could do anything she puts her mind to. Note her fairy on the left, and on the right, a whimsical lion.
Besides her “million dollar” smile, Susan brings skill and imagination to her pottery and sculpture. (She longs for a class in RAKU . (I hope her wish comes true.) Her whimsical flying pigs with delightful piglets hitching a ride on their backside, brought a smile to all of us. Plus, Susan knows all the special “in” places of Ludlow : how about that ice cream shop! Whewww! Single dips are like two up there in Vermont! ( burp!)
Not one to be left out, instructor Jack demonstrated a dragon character and started this piece in the “secret off-hours” of the night. He finished it back at his studio. He looks a bit tired, don’t you think? Must be the late night hours firing off the kiln and consuming all that cheap wine and cream-filled Twinkies.
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